Thursday, August 28, 2008

O.K., is it just me or did Joe Biden have enough SUV’s in his “VP” motorcade to bring down the ozone layer? My goodness… at one point the news counted 8 SUV’s! What is up with that? Isn’t he part of the Democrat Party? Aren’t they the party that will save the earth from us wicked Americans?

Sure, maybe it was the secret service that provided most of the SUV’s; however, Biden did not seem too unhappy hopping into a SUV.

During Biden’s trek to the airport he had police escort. They stopped traffic for the Biden motorcade to pass by. Umm, don’t idle cars cause MORE pollutants? I personally know “green peace” people who will not go through a drive thru just to do there part in saving the planet.

I’m sure Biden could have done something a little differently had he wanted to. It angers me to see people out there doing their little part in the “save the planet” effort while the elitist who push these lies do NOTHING! It saddens me to watch as Americans are led astray, little by little. We are being taught that WE have the power to destroy this earth.

Psalms 37 talks about the blessed inheriting the earth. How can we inherit the earth if WE destroy it? The answer is simply, we can’t destroy. Yes, we should keep it clean & protect our earth. Most Christians do what they can to keep it clean. God created this great planet for us, we need to respect it. However, we do not need to live in fear.

The media’s job is to make news more exciting than it really is. We need to start thinking for ourselves & stop relying on the press & Al Gore for our future on this earth. God will establish His Kingdom on this earth, He is in control.